The latest is about the country Libya. where in Libya are now going political crisis that is harming the country. Even now their leaders mobilize its military to fight the people who oppose and want Muamer Gaddafi to immediately resign. Because they think Gaddafi is no longer able to bring Libya into the country for the better, they even accused Gaddafi became the leader of the country only to enrich himself and his family.
For the actions of leaders who have a stake in one of the top football clubs in the English premier league has been criticized by many countries in Europe, even in some countries will freeze Gaddafi spread the wealth in the countries of Europe.
But not if he was scared Gaddafi with these threats, even the latest news reported that Gaddafi ordered fighter planes to bomb the demonstrators who did not stop the action.
We need to know that Gaddafi's Libya has led the country for 41 years. It is a very long time to lead a country. Here are some list of state leaders who led the country in a long time.
Leader | Country | Lead In Years |
Fidel Castro | Cuba | 49 |
Chiang Kai-Shek | China | 47 |
Kim Il-Sung | North Korea | 45 |
Omar Bongo | Gabon | 41 |
Muammar al-Ghadafi | Libya | 41 |
Enver Hoxha | Albania | 40 |
Francisco franco | Spain | 39 |
Gnassingbe Eyadema | Togo | 37 |
Joseb bros Tito | Yugoslavia | 36 |
Antonio de Oliveira Salazar | Portugal | 36 |
Todor Zhivkov | Bulgaria | 35 |
Paul Biya | Cameroon | 35 |
Felix Houphouet-Boigny | Cote d'lvoire | 34 |
Alfredo Stroessner | Paraguay | 34 |
Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal | Mongolia | 32 |
Ali Abdullah Saleh | Yemen | 32 |
Dawda JawaraJanos Kadar | Hungarian | 31 |
Habib Bourguiba | Tunisia | 31 |
Teodoro O N Mbasogo | Guinea | 31 |
Lee Kuan Yew | Singapore | 31 |
Mobutu Sese Seko | Zaire | 31 |
Jose Edoardo dos Santos | Angola | 31 |
Hastings Kamuzu Banda | Malawi | 31 |
Soeharto | Indonesia | 31 |
Joseph Stallin | Uni Sofyet | 30 |
Robert Mugabe | Zimbabwe | 30 |
Rafael Trujillo | Dominica | 30 |
Abdou Diouf | Senegal | 30 |
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom | Maldives | 30 |
If you have other data, please put it in the comment box or contact us. Thank you for visiting, hopefully can help. Your comment is appreciated.
If you'd like to know more about al-Gaddafi, click the pictures on the side.
4 komentar:
makasih mas udah main ke tempat saya.,..
Iya.. jangan lupa klik ads nya dong.. biar saling membantu... saya dah klik punya kamuu.. makasihh
wah no koment deh...yg penting kunjung balik ya mba..ehhehe
mba aku tambahan saran nih, jngn pake verivikasi code untuk komentnya...cz males ngetik verifikasi code nya..hehehe..keep posting mbak
Mkasih sarannya... udah di laksanakan..
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